Location: United States

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thursday Threesome: Turkey Day Edition.

::Black Friday Sales::

Onesome: Black-- I saw a white Christmas tree the other day all done up in "black and white"; I was thinking an Oakland Raiders fan might like it! Do you have any color preferences for your Christmas decorations? ...or maybe a theme you've found somewhere that resonates with you?

Not really, but I'm starting to think a black tree with silver and gold decorations would really kick ass. I'm not into decorating for holidays. I might put up some lights. Or I might not. I don't know why, but there's something about Christmas lights that fills me with an overwhelming sense of despair [no, I am not joking]. Holiday decorations in general are depressing, actually. But indoor Christmas lights are the worst, especially hung up on the walls. I look at them and a giant yawning chasm of grief and sadness opens up in my heart.

Thanks for reminding me. I'll have to ask my therapist about that, because that's a really weird reaction to have to Christmas lights. [I'm still not joking.]

Twosome: Friday-- leftovers? ...or do you have plans to order a pizza in to counteract all that turkey ?
Only homemade pizza gets served at Casa de Frida. As to whether there'll be leftovers, I'm going to send most of them home with my folks. Or I'm gonna give it to homeless people, or something, anything to get it out of my house. I don't care how damn broke I am, I'm not eating turkey sandwiches for a week. I eat so much ground turkey, I really can't get excited about roast turkey. I like it okay the first time; after about the third meal of it, it just makes me gag.

Threesome: Sales-- Okay, the big question: are you going to 'attend' any of the "Black Friday" sales? ...and if you are, are you hard core serious like the 5 am "be there" crowd?
Absolutely fucking not. I did that once, and I'm never doing it again. I don't care if they're giving everything away free. Black Friday should be renamed "Give Your Car To A Greedy Self-Centered Maniac And Send Them Out To Shop Day." The people are's like they're on crack. They're hellbent on getting deals, they're not looking where they're going--either on the road or in the store--and the whole thing is dangerous and stupid. No thank you.

I don't have any money anyway. I'm just gonna scan in some family photos, burn them to CD's, and give them to everybody.

And what is this I hear about plasma TV's being a hot Christmas item this year? Who are these fucking people? I tell you what, if somebody bought me a plasma TV, I'd tell them to take it right back to the store, get a refund, and donate the money to a charity. How much you wanna bet these are the same people who whine about how hard it is for middle-class folks to stay afloat?

New rule: If you can afford to give somebody a plasma TV for Christmas, you officially forfeit your right to complain about money.

The Bitch has spoken.


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