Location: United States

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Last week's Tuesday's Tales. Fortunately, they don't get stale.

1. do you have pets? if so what, if not why not
No, I don't, at least not any that live with me. The apartment I live in doesn't allow pets, so my cat lives with my folks.

2. who was/is your favorite pet?
:,( at the idea of picking favourites among living beings.

3. What is your ideal pet?
I don't know. One that doesn't sit and stare at me, I know that. My cat does that, and it drives a person crazy. It'd also have to be something I'm not allergic to, which sadly rules out cats.

I've sometimes thought it'd be neat to have a goat.

4. tell me your best memory of your pet
Which pet? I've had tons of them--cats, gerbils, hamsters, a rat, a horse, several very short-lived fish, lizards.

5. tell me your worst memory of your pet
See 4. Also...children do some cruel things to pets. I'd just as soon not think about any of that. We're all stocked up on guilt here, thx. :)



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