Location: United States

Saturday, February 17, 2007

What is the Saturday 6?

Saturday 6.

1. Take the quiz: What game show host are you?
It says I'm Bill Cullen, whoever the hell that is.

2. What game show do you think you would be best at playing?
I haven't seen a game show in such a long time, I really couldn't tell you.

3. What game show do you think you would be worst at playing?

See 2.

4. Have you ever applied or auditioned as a contestant for any game show? If so, which one?

5. If you had to apply or audition for a game show, which one would you most likely choose?
If I HAD to? Like, people would die if I didn't? Any one that, if I got selected, I could say, "Y'know, thanks but no thanks."

6. If you found out you had to host a game show, which one would do you know well enough that you could actually host?

None of them.

Not the greatest answers, but it's the truth.



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