Location: United States

Thursday, February 08, 2007

gotta love Minnesota....

It's -11° out, with a wind chill of -24°. Makes me glad I'm indoors with good heat and some cocoa.

Booking Through Thursday.

What kind of care do you take of your books? Let's review, shall we?

1. Are you careful with the spines? Or do you crack your books open to make them lay flat?

I try to be careful with the spines. I don't always succeed, but I try.

2. Do you use bookmarks? Or do you dog-ear the corners? If you do use bookmarks, do you use those fashionable metal ones? Or paper?
Post-it notes.

3. Do you write in your books? Ever? If you do, do you make small marks, or write in as much blank space as you can find? Pen or pencil? Highlighter? Your name on the front page?
Very rarely will I write in a book that's not a textbook. If I do, it will generally be pencil and only a word or two, as a reference or a WTF. I don't put my names in books. I know who they belong to.

4. Do you toss your books on the floor? Into bookbags? Or do you treat them tenderly, with respect?
I try to put them on shelves. However, I do have one set of dictionaries that I use as a step when I do my knee-strengthening step exercises.

5. Do you ever lay your book face-down, to save your place?
If I'm just going to the bathroom or to get something to eat, yeah.

6. Um--water? Do you bathe with your books? Hold them with wet hands? Read out in the rain? Anything of that sort?
No, I don't shower with books.

7. Are your books lined up on a bookshelf? Or crammed in any which way? Stacked on the floor?
All of the above.

8. Do you make a distinction--as regards book care--between hardcovers and paperbacks?

9. And, to recap? Naturally, you love all of your books, but how, exactly? Are your books loved in the battered way of a well-loved teddy bear, or like a cherished photo album or item of clothing that's used, appreciated, but carefully cared for?
Somewhere in between the two, with certain books tending toward one extreme or the other.

10. Any additional comments?
I think I got frostbite on my face.


Thursday Threesome.

::Pitch, Yaw, and Roll::

Onesome: Pitch-- What is your singing range? ...and do you sing at all? Laurie, you're leading off here !

I can go from C below middle C to a little over 2 C's above middle C. I don't know what that is, if that's soprano or alto or what, but it's just over 3 octaves.

Twosome: Yaw--'ll ken that one? Do you have any 'dialect words' that you use as a matter of course? "Ken", meaning "to understand" (Scottish and other derivations) in this case...
Spendy! Stuff isn't expensive up here, it's spendy!

Threesome: and Roll-- on down the road? Hey, if the roads were as icy as they've been in the Midwest and East would driving to work even be a consideration for you?
O noes, ice n cold n stuff!!!11! Dude, we don't have a choice. It's either drive to work in the ice or get fired every winter. I'm lucky to have co-workers that will swing by and give me a lift when it's -15° out and the Bitchmobile won't start.


And that's a wrap.

same bitch time, same bitch channel...


Blogger Andree said...

Hi from one iceberg to another! I'm sort of tired of this cold weather where it never gets above zero anymore. I love your comment about not reading in the shower! My same sentiments!

8:00 PM  

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