Location: United States

Saturday, February 10, 2007

When the lights go down in the city...

Saturday 6.

1. A friend arrives from out of town and wants to go to dinner at a nice locally-owned restaurant: where would you take her?
To a different town. The only places here that serve dinner are the bars.

2. Your friend then says he wants to learn something about the history of your city: where would you take him first?

City hall, I guess. Also, how did my friend get a sex change between question 1 and question 2?

3. Does your current hometown have any specific kind of weather threats (i.e., tornado alley, etc.) or natural disaster threats (i.e., earthquake faults, volcanic activity) that concerns you?
It gets really, really cold in the winter.

4. Take the quiz: What city shares your personality?
It says I'm Killarney, Ireland.

5. Have you ever visited this city or lived there before?
Never heard of it before in my life.

6. Based on what you know about that city, either firsthand or from others, do you think it would be a good fit for you? Do you think it would be a better fit than the city in which you now live?
I know nothing about it. If it's bigger than 10K people, I'd probably hate it.

And that's that.



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