Location: United States

Sunday, December 10, 2006

it's still Saturday in Hawaii...

Saturday 8.

1. i had a holiday dinner last night, and the ambience was decidedly un-romantic. in your locality, what's the most romantic restaurant to take someone on a date?
I don't know. I don't go on dates, and I rarely eat in restaurants.

2. when was the last time you switched jobs?
Several years ago.

3. when was the last time you had a stomach bug?
It's hard to say; there are a lot of things that give me stomach problems, so pinning it down to a single source isn't easy. It's been a few years since I've had something that I definitely believed was a stomach virus.

4. what was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in high school?
That's like asking which drop of water in the ocean is the wettest.

5. what place in your country would you like to visit most?
Anywhere where one of my friends is. I miss them.

6. do you have a pen-colour preference, and what is it? if you don't, what colour do you NOT like to write in?
I don't like writing in yellow. I also tend to avoid weird-coloured ballpoint pens [green, orange] because usually they don't write worth a crap. If I could find a good writing pen with waterproof sepia ink, I'd be pretty happy about that.

7. when was the last time you got sloshed, hammered, piss-drunk, etc., and what was your weapon of choice to get you there?
I don't remember. It was many years ago.

8. what do you plan on doing for the rest of the day?
Making holiday presents and restraining the urge to pull this tooth out.


Saturday 6.

1. Do you send Christmas cards? If so, do you write any notes inside the Christmas card or include a "newsletter" about your family, or do you basically just sign your name?
I just sign my name. I never understood the point of holiday letters, unless you have kids or something, or for some other reason, something is actually HAPPENING at your house. It's pretty useless to write a newsletter when there's no news except "I bought a mattress" and "I like vanilla creamer." Nobody wants to read that shit.

2. Are you more likely to shop in a store that has returned the phrase, "Merry Christmas" to its holiday signage?
No. I sometimes still say "Merry Christmas" to people [at least, people that I think are highly likely to celebrate Christmas and not Yule, Hannukah, Festivus, &c.] just because...well, I don't know why, exactly. It sure isn't because I'm excited about Jesus. I think it's more a Minnesota Nice thing. Make the expected noises and don't kick up a fuss. I mean, there's a time and a place for kicking up a fuss, but the checkout line at the grocery store really isn't it. I really want to say "Happy Holidays," but it sounds sorta stupid to say it to the checkout clerk. It looks nice in print because of the stateliness of the H's, but it sounds vaguely pretentious coming out of somebody's mouth for some reason. So mostly I just wait for the person to say it to me, and say, "Thanks, you too."

Nobody says "Happy Yule" to me, and I haven't died from it yet, so I gave up caring about the whole issue.

Maybe I should start saying "Merry Mithras."

3. Do you buy your pets Christmas presents?
Not usually. Every time I try to buy the cat a present, it turns out to be something she doesn't really want or need anyway.

4. Take the quiz: Are you more cat or dog?
It says: "You Are: 40% Dog, 60% Cat"

5. Which have you owned more of during your life, cats or dogs?
Cats. A lot of people don't mind them, but to a noise-sensitive and smell-sensitive person, they're stinky and loud. If you bathed them enough so I could pet them without the smell sticking to me, the poor things would have skin problems. And they're noisy by nature, so you couldn't make them quiet without making them miserable and stressed. I don't think it's right to punish an animal for doing what it does naturally, but the normal amount of noise a dog makes would drive me completely around the bend.

If they managed to breed a reasonably smart, not-so-aromatic dog that felt very little urge to bark, I'd consider one. I say "reasonably smart" because I know some breeding experiments result in animals that have many great qualities but are dumber than a sack of hammers.

6. If you had to come back as one or the other, and assuming you'd belong to an owner who would treat you well, would you rather be a cat or a dog?
I don't really care. I wouldn't be self-aware enough for it to matter to me.


So there.



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