Location: United States

Thursday, August 31, 2006

be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting fruit tarts...

Thursday Threesome.

::Fluffy Bunny Rabbits::

Onesome: Fluffy-- is as fluffy does! It's almost lemon meringue season at that pie shop. Do you do fluffy pies? ...or is it fruit all the way for you? (Okay, Southerners: go ahead and expound on rhubarb...)

Pies have seasons?

I don't do pies. If somebody else makes one and offers me some, I'll eat it, but I don't make them myself, and I won't as long as bakeries exist. Life's short.

Twosome: Bunny-- slippers? Yes? No? Barefoot? Shoes? What do you schlep around the house in when it's cold outside?

Actually, that would depend less on how cold it is outside than on how cold it actually is in my apartment. If it's 10 below out, but I have the heat cranked and I'm using the broiler, then no, I'm not going to wear slippers. I do have slippers that I wear when it's actually cold indoors.

Threesome: Rabbits-- Have you ever had little furry pets? What varieties? Are there any in your future?

I couldn't even name all the pets we've had--gerbils, hamsters, about five million cats, a couple dogs, a horse [that's not really little, though], a rat...I don't even remember them all. I don't want another pet. It's not that I don't like animals, it's just that I really, REALLY do not like being responsible for something that can die or feel fear. Pretty much everybody that spends much time around me ends up paranoid, and animals are no exception. They're better off somewhere else.

I don't think I'm going to answer any more questions about animals. It brings up too much guilt.



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