Location: United States

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Saturday 8.

1. are you a religious person?
Sorta, although not in the dogmatic sense. Most of the people I've known who would describe themselves as religious are either dismissive or outright intolerant of other people's beliefs. I go to a UU church, but I wouldn't hazard a guess as to how many UU's consider themselves religious.

2. are you a spiritual person?
I used to think so, but I'm not so sure anymore.

3. were you raised in a religious household?
Not really. We used to say grace at the table and celebrate the usual Christian holidays, but there wasn't a lot of churchgoing or Bible-reading. My mom's childhood was full of ruler-wielding nuns, and she didn't want us to have a bunch of unnecessary guilt trips just for being human, so we didn't get indoctrinated much. The Golden Rule was the only thing that really got hammered into us.

4. have you/do you/would you raise your children in a religious household?

5. i'm turning 35 years old this year, but i'm often mistaken as being at least ten years younger. in fact, people rarely believe that my 13-yr. old is actually my daughter, and swear that she's my sister. are you mistaken for being older or younger than you truly are?
I got carded a few years ago [I was 28 at the time].

6. when my husband and i first married, he looked like he was still in high school and i was often (jokingly) accused of robbing the cradle - we're the same age. a month ago, one of my husband's aunts thought that he was my FATHER (vindication!). do you and your significant other appear to be significantly younger or older than each other?

7. there is an agency called the american association of anti-aging medicine that is dedicated to the advancement of therapeutics related to the science of longevity medicine. would you consult such an agency or other medical office for supplements, advice, etc. to help you increase your longevity?

8. OT ... what are you doing for fun this weekend?
I'm not having fun this weekend. I'm fulfilling obligations and doing chores. If I get a chance, I will spend half or all of a day in bed. I'm getting injured too easily and healing too slowly lately, so I think it's time for a rest day.



Blogger L. G. said...

feel better; hope you enjoy your 1/2 day of rest...worla

8:02 PM  

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