Location: United States

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

do da humpty hump...

Da Humpty Hump.

1. When is the last time you sent someone a letter in the mail?

2. What usually comes in your mail?
Crap, crap, bills, crap, magazines, and crap.

Did I mention crap?

3. What kind of a mailbox do you have?

A rusty one with a flag that won't stay up.

4. If you could send a package to your postal worker to show your appreciation, what would you send them?
A gift certificate for someplace that sells really, really good shoes, like Red Wing or something.

Speaking of packages, I have three people's birthdays coming up in less than 2 weeks here, and I gotta figure out what to give them and how to finance it. Eep.



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