Location: United States

Saturday, September 02, 2006

What price freedom/dirt is my rug/I sleep like a baby/w. the snakes & the bugs...

[from the Tom Waits song "Cold Water"]

Saturday 8 takes it outside.

1. what's the worst that you've "roughed it" outdoors, whether it was camping, hiking, school-tripping, or stuck in a broken-down vehicle?
Does hiding in the garage to avoid band practice count?

2. in general, do you enjoy outdoor activities?
No. Between the weather extremes, the pollen, and the frightening frequency of escapes from the nearby sex-offender facility, I prefer to stay indoors, with climate control and a lock. When my budget can accommodate allergy testing, martial arts classes and pepper spray, I'll revisit the issue. [Actually, pepper spray isn't that expensive. I should have Ma put that on my Christmas list.]

3. what are your favourite activities to do outdoors?
Driving, walking [if the weather's decent and there's no pollen, which is hardly ever], question.

4. have you ever assembled a tent? how did that go for you?
No, I haven't.

5. have you ever visited a national forest before; if so, which one(s)?
No. I fail to see the point in going out to enjoy nature if it's just gonna be full of people.

6. have you ever been whitewater rafting before? if so, did you like it? if not, would you like to try it?
No, and no thank you. I get motion sickness very easily.

7. have you ever encounted 'wildlife,' such as a bear, moose, buffalo, deer, bobcat, cougar, wild hog, etc.? what happened?
I hit a deer with my car; does that count? It was all right, by the way; I braked in time and just ended up tapping it on the hip. It ran away into the woods. There was fur on my license plate holder, but no blood.

8. sorta outdoorsy-related: should you find yourself marooned on a deserted island full of lush landscapes, a fresh-water stream, a beautiful beach, and an amazing sunset (read: you are not in any immediate danger of dying), what one person would you 'choose' to be stranded with? they can be living, dead, celebrity, etc.

I have no idea. Is it an island where I can get away from the person and be alone? Then probably either C or B [two of my best friends].

Time to go sleep [in a bed, under a roof, behind a locked door].



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