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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Genre Bending

Booking Through Thursday.

1. We asked last week about what draws you to your favorite kind/genre of book. This week, we want to know--how often do you depart from that comfort zone? If you love mysteries, do you ever read fantasy? If you primarily read cookbooks, do you ever read a good romance?
Yeah, I know, I didn't do last week's because I don't have a favourite kind of book. In the last year I've read cookbooks, mysteries, fantasy, scifi, humour, regular novels, some poetry, a play, autobiographies, other assorted nonfiction, and a couple children's books [which were re-reads of old books from my childhood that I found while unpacking]. The only genre I don't really care for is romance; but I will read a historical romance if it looks good.

2. How MUCH variety is there in your reading? Do you mostly stick to one type, with just the occasional toe-dip into a different style? Or do you generally read a variety of things, just, maybe more of your favorite style than anything else?
See 1. I go through streaks where I'll read mostly a particular kind of novel. I put off reading any of the Harry Potter novels until the fifth one, then checked out the first out of curiosity. I read all five in about 2 or 3 weeks, and by then I had to take methadone in the form of re-reads of LOTR until the sixth came out. Now I want the seventh to arrive, because I know there'll be a boxed set; then I'll get the set and have all seven in one edition.

For a while I went through a streak of reading biographies; then it was Minette Walters novels [which made me paranoid about rapists and axe murderers for a good long time]; then it was other nonfiction; right now it's Muriel Spark novels. I loved Memento Mori, but it didn't occur to me to look for other works of hers. Well, she's written dozens of novels, so I'm plowing through everything the libraries have. When I'm done with that, I'll get more through interlibrary loan. I'm also planning to catch up on some more of the pretentious intellectual stuff that I should have read in high school, like Dumas and Thoreau and Nietzsche. I bought a set of Thoreau books a while back that I never got around to, so I recently started reading Civil Disobedience, which is a very short book that came with the set. What amazes me about Thoreau is the timelessness of it; the issues he was on about back in the 1830's are still happening today, just in a different form. But then, I do tend to agree with my fellow Cancers on a lot of things.

Anywho. Speaking of reading, I should do some of that and then get to bed.

same bitch time, same bitch channel...


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