Location: United States

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Saturday in the Park

Well, all right, I'm in a chair, not in the park. [It's not the 4th of July either.] Here's the Saturday 6.

1. You find out that you've just gotten a new job in a different state. Besides your spouse, who is the first person you tell?

I don't have a spouse. I'd probably call and tell my mom.

2. With the money in your pocket, wallet or purse right now, could you make change for a $20 bill? Could you make change for a $1 bill?

For the 20, yes. For the 1, no. I don't keep change in my wallet.

3. Is this ability (or lack of ability) to make change a typical reflection of how much cash and coins you regularly carry?
No. Usually I couldn't even make change for a 10. I just got paid the other day.

4. Take the quiz: What mythological character are you?
It says I'm a mermaid.

5. Are you typically the "heart breaker" or the "broken-hearted" in your relationship history?
I've been a fair amount of both, sometimes in the same relationship. I've been the dumpee more often than the dumper, though.

6. Considering your answer to #5, would you rather be the opposite?
I'd rather not be either one. That's why I don't date.

And that's a wrap.



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