Location: United States

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Saturday 6, New Year's Eve edition

Saturday 6.

1. You spot a UFO, a genuine flying saucer. You decide to mention it to those close to you. Do you expect that most would believe you, or assume that you're either joking or nuts?
They'd probably believe me. That's the kind of people I hang out with. :D

2. If it had to be one or the other, would you prefer that your blog readers were all family and friends who knew you personally or folks who had never met you in person, and why?
The second. If my family all read my LJ, I'd never get another cent or another favour out of them.

3. Are you planning to do any special posts tomorrow or Monday to look back over either your best posts or the significant events of 2006?

4. Take the quiz: What kind of jewel are you?
It says I'm a watermelon tourmaline.

5. Do you own a piece of jewelry with this particular jewel in it?

Dude, I've never even HEARD of it.

6. Whether you normally make them or not, suppose that you have to make one new year's resolution: what would it be?
To change only the things I feel like changing.


Patrick mentions at the beginning of this edition that "much of the country is under an arctic chill," and I had to go look at a national weather map to understand what he's talking about [i.e. the western half of the country and the northeast] because, uh, I'm in Minnesota and it's 43 and raining here. So if you're unfortunate enough to be in the 50% of the country that's really cold, do like he says and stay indoors. If you're in eastern Minnesota, grab your umbrella and a medium-weight jacket and take a leisurely stroll through the park.

Okay, I just got an alert: it's supposed to change from rain to snow sometime today. I hope so, because my kitchen ceiling is leaking. Leaking ceilings are a source of intense anxiety to watercolourists. Even if it's not happening in your studio, there's still the implied threat that your studio could be next. The snow and slush are gonna make for a dangerous New Year's Eve drive home, though, as if the drunk drivers didn't make it dangerous enough. I'm hoping that at least some people can scrape enough sense together to figure out to stay home if it's ugly. It's exactly the kind of night that makes me glad I'm not a cop or a sheriff's deputy.

same bitch time, same bitch channel...


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