Location: United States

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Saturday 8 goes to the dogs...

Saturday 8.

1. i have a nasty head cold. when was the last time you were sick, and what ailed you?
I had a cold not too long ago, maybe a month or two ago.

2. i left my contacts out last night by accident, and they dried out. ugh. do you wear glasses or contacts to correct your vision? if so, for how long?
I only wear them when driving someplace unfamiliar. I lucked out on my last eye exam and didn't have to have a corrective-lens notation thingy put on my new license. So I don't technically need them; but if I'm driving someplace where I need to read a lot of street signs, I try to bring them along. They pretty much only work for distances anyway; close up, they just do strange things to my depth perception and make me kinda queasy.

3. a stray dog was found wandering in our neighbourhood, which is rare. he was so thin you can see his ribs, spine, and hipbones. we took him in and are searching for the owner, although i really don't want to give him back due to his condition. what would you do if you found the owner of this dog after taking him in?
Uh, I wouldn't take him in. My place doesn't allow pets. I'd take him straight to the humane society.

4. i have two friends who are interested in taking the dog. after putting up "found dog" posters all over, how long would you wait to hear from the old owners before giving him to a new home?
Again, I'd just take him to the humane society. I'm not running a kennel.

5. i am bringing the dog into the vet on monday to rule out a weird parasitic-worm thing for his weight loss, as i don't see the owners contacting me. my husband says that i've done more than i should for this pup, but i want to make sure he's OK health-wise. would you take the dog to the vet and spend your own money, or would you take him/her to the animal shelter first?
See 3.

6. at this point in your life, if someone offered you a free young dog/cat of a breed/mix that you wanted, would you take it?
No. See 3.

7. switching gears... a 10-yr. old boy in texas asked his uncle why saddam had a noose around his neck after seeing a news feed loop on a spanish-speaking news channel. the uncle explained they were going kill him by hanging, and the boy asked if that's how you kill "bad people." the uncle answered 'yes' and the boy was found later with a bedsheet around his neck hanging from his top bunk. people are saying that he 'mimicked' the hanging; i think he killed himself purposefully. do you think his death was a suicide or an accident?
I don't think that's as important a question as why a 10-year-old kid thought that either a] nooses were fun to play with [if it was an accident]; or b] he was bad enough to be put to death. But then, as you pointed out, it IS Texas. As for the question you asked, I don't have anywhere near enough information to guess whether it was a suicide or an accident. If the kid had a history of imitating dangerous shit he saw on TV, I'd say accident. If he lived in an abusive household with people who made him feel worthless, I'd say suicide. But I don't know and I'm not going to guess.

8. a bride in austria jokingly answered "no" to the question of "do you take this man," causing the official to call off the wedding immediately. not even the sobbing pleadings of the bride could prompt the official to continue with the wedding, and the couple will have to wait 2.5 months before they can marry again. do you think this was too harsh, that the woman got what she deserved for larking about during such a serious ceremony ... or perhaps she should thank her lucky stars and run for the hills with some hot czech nationals?
I think she has a very strange and careless sense of humour, and the official doesn't have one at all. I wouldn't do something like that at a wedding, just to be on the safe side. I also think Austria must have been having a really slow news day.


same bitch time, same bitch channel...


Blogger lola h. said...

slow news day... yep. i can relate. ;)

see you next week...

1:42 PM  

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