Location: United States

Monday, April 09, 2007

Sunday Seven

...which I'm doing late. Oh well.

Name seven of the very first things you notice about a person -- male or female -- when you meet them fir the first time.

1. Whether they're making noise.
2. Whether they're in my way.
3. Gender, facial hair, and skin colour all at the same time [i.e. facial features].
4. General body type. I'm having trouble. I'm not in the habit of noticing things about people, because very little about them is relevant to me unless I'm expected to have some kind of prolonged contact with them. Lemme think...

5. How they're dressed.


6. How they talk [if they're talking].
7. If they're wearing perfume or cologne, my poor sinuses notice it right away. If they're not, it doesn't usually occur to me til later.

Hope that answers it adequately.


Now for the Saturday 6, which is even later.

1. Do you believe that there is some form of intelligent life on a planet other than Earth?
There has to be. Statistically, there just has to be.

2. If there was, and we were to encounter it, which do you think would do more harm to the other: the Earthlings or the Extra Terrestrials?
I'd have to know something about the extraterrestrials before I could answer that. Humans have a stellar track record for fucking up pretty much everything they get their grubby hands on, though.

3. If a close friend or family member told you that they had been kidnapped by aliens, how likely are you to believe them if they can offer no physical evidence?
Depends which friend or family member it is. Some of them I'd be willing to at least halfway believe; others, not so much.

4. Take the quiz: How likely is it that you would be abducted by Extra Terrestrials?
It said I'm 55% likely.

5. If you could fly in a spaceship to get a close look at any of the planets besides Earth, which would you choose and why?
I'm not picky; I'd welcome a chance to look at any one of them up close.

6. If you had the chance to live on a fully-developed colony on Mars, would you do so?
No. I don't think we should have colonies on Mars or anywhere else.

same bitch time, same bitch channel...


Blogger Wil said...

I never even thought of the issue of colognes and other foppish scents. I too, suffer the nasal tortures of the damned. My mind is definitely slipping...

5:38 PM  

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